[tutorial][mtk] How to crossport roms from other chipsets

This is tutorial for how to crossport roms from other mtk chipset 
This tutarial made by Naser,HM Rasel and Rajib and written by Amitava Bhowmik

Cross Porting(TUT)
Most of the the 32bit soc of mtks framwrk and libs are 60-70% same.. So yup its possible to port from diff Soc
Its Works for 6592-6582-6572-6589-6577-6575(not tried) and vise versa…
Yes for same sdk(kernel)
1. Extract stock &port
2. Delete App,fonts, framwrk, app priv, build.prop from stock..
3. Now copy those foleders from port rom
4. Open port bin folder and copy factory, installd, servicemanager, now paste replace in ur stock rom
5. Now copy all files from port bin and paste & skip all exsting.. So that it will only add extras of ur port rom
6. Now open lib foler of ur port rom..
Replace andoidfw,androidserver,androi,androiruntime,libart,artcompiler,compiler-rt, blutooth_jni, fmjni,cmtraces, cm glesv1, cmgles v2, libdvm, hwm,hui,javacore,javacrypto, webap,webviewchromium, webaudio, in ur stock lib..
7. Now copy all files from lib and replace in stock lib by skipping existing. As like as bin.
8. Now copy and paste all files by skipking exting to stock from.. Etc , etc/permission, lib/hw, vendor xbin.
9. Edit build.prop
Change rotation. Change chipset acc to urs MT65xx
Then wlan and consys=65xx
Now zip and flash enjoy..
N.B. cross porting comes with limitation and bugs.. But 92-82 can be fully bugless ,,
I will write about bug fixing in my next TUT.

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